Buy an Engagement Ring – Get up to $500 Wedding Cash from “The Bobfather”

From what I’ve gained from years of watching movies with Italian wedding scenes – it seems traditional for the Godfather to bestow a little cash money to the bride and groom on their wedding day. And usually, that cash gets handed over in a simple envelope. Classy, huh?
Well, if you’re a couple soon to be betrothed, I bet a cash filled envelope sounds like the perfect wedding gift. I couldn’t agree more. So that’s what I’m going to give you.
See, in over forty years of hanging around and working in our family jewelry store, I’ve witnessed more newly or about to be engaged couples than you could imagine. Thousands. And I, and everyone at Jones Brothers, is super-grateful to be included in each and every one. While it may not really make us family, to me it feels that way. It’s a thing to me. Which might be why some around here have been calling me “The Bobfather.” I’ve got no problem with that. In fact, I’m taking the nickname seriously, and making every new couple that shops for their engagement ring at Jones Bros. an offer that’s pretty hard to refuse.
When you buy a Jones Bros. engagement ring, we’re going to give you an envelope worth up to $500 off your wedding band purchase. But there’s one condition: you may only open the envelope to reveal exactly how much you’ll save, when you return to Jones Bros. to shop for wedding bands. Whatever it takes to see your smiling faces and enjoy more good family time.
Hope to see you soon.
Written with much love and gratitude…Bob