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The Heller Center For Kids With Cancer
The Heller Center For Kids With Cancer offers a unique combination of programs that complement the medical care provided at OSF HealthCare Children's Hospital of Illinois.
Starting at diagnosis, the Center's programs are designed to provide patients and families with the critical, non-medical tools that best support them through and beyond the cancer journey. The Center is funded completely through donations; no family is ever charged for services.
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Direct Donation
Donate directly to the Heller Center for Kids with Cancer—even the smallest amount will help!
Learn About The Families
Cedar Yaklich & Family
When Cedar was only an infant, cancer along her spine resulted in paralysis from the waist down. When therapy ended, mom Candace felt lost and unprepared for caring for a 1-year-old with complex medical needs. With support, the Center will feature an After Treatment of Cancer Survivor Clinic to provide help to families managing chronic illnesses or complex medical conditions as a result of cancer.
James Tobin & Family
Experiencing severe depression at the return of her son’s cancer, Ketra turned to a doctor for help. “I cried all the time, I couldn’t control it,” she said. Now a parentmentor, she helps others cope with the realities of life with, and after, cancer. With funding, the Center will further provide crucial Mental Health, Neuropsychological & Neurodevelopmental Services for patients, survivors and family members like Ketra.
Kacer Holloway & Family
During her toddler’s battle with a Wilms tumor, Danielle felt unsure of where to turn for help or answers. “All of a sudden you have so much new information, but you aren’t sure what it all means,” she said. With support, the Center will offer Patient and Family Educators to provide guidance to families during the complicated cancer journey and beyond.
Bob Woosley
Chief Inspiration Officer
“The Heller Center For Kids With Cancer provides aid for families battling cancer in Central Illinois. They operate locally, with a "see the need, and meet the need" mindset that motivates me to do everything I can. On one hand, today's incredible technological improvements allow us to fight and treat cancer more effectively each day. But physical treatment is only part of the fight. Programs that address the mental and social difficulties that families work through are essential components to the medical care side of the battle. I'm excited to take part in the effort to create solutions for families battling childhood cancer. We hope the funds we raise at Jones Bros will help the Heller Center continue their invaluable efforts.”
Tuesday - Friday: 10AM - 5:30PM
Saturday: 10AM - 4PM
Closed Sunday & Monday
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